1. During peak times PlayZone provides Play Assistants to monitor the Play Equipment and Facilities to ensure a safe play environment. Our staff ARE NOT responsible for the direct supervision or care of children. Supervision of children remains the responsibility of their parent or guardian.
  2. During normal play sessions children must be accompanied by an adult and adults must be accompanied by a child. For this purpose we define an ‘adult’ as a parent or guardian who is legally classed as an adult (i.e 18 years old or over) AND is at least 10 years older than those in their supervision prepared to take legal responsibility for the children with them for the duration of their stay. The adult must remain on the premises at all times. We require a minimum ratio of 1 adult for every 5 children. During peak times we allow a maximum of 2 adults per booking and reserve the right to charge the ‘Over 4’ admission price for any extra adults. 
  3. PlayZone Lincoln  reserves the right to refuse admission at any time.
  4. Children who are unwell or who have any obvious recent injuries MUST NOT use the play facilities. This includes children or their accompanying adults wearing a plaster cast / pot of any sort.
  5. All players must remove their shoes. SOCKS AND OUTER GARMENTS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. Parents are advised that, due to the risk of friction burns, players wear long sleeved tops and long trousers. Parents and Guardians are also advised that anyone using the play equipment should not wear nylon sports wear such as replica football kit. Such clothing is prone to friction burns especially on the slides. Parents / Guardians permitting players to wear this type of clothing during play do so at their own risk. Please note that socks from trampoline centres are NOT suitable for use on our equipment.
  6. All jewellery, watches, badges & other hard or sharp items MUST be removed before play.
  7. No Food, Drink, chewing gum or sweets is permitted in the play area at any time.
  8. Only Food & Drink purchased on the premises must be consumed. The only exception to this rule is baby food.
  9. PlayZone is a No Smoking environment. Smoking is not permitted within the premises at any time. E-Cigarettes are included in the definition of Smoking.
  10. Parents are advised that where possible children should remove Spectacles or Contact Lenses prior to playing.
  11. Please encourage children to use the toilet before playing.
  12. PlayZone  does not accept responsibility or liability for injury of any kind caused through misuse of any of the facilities or as a result of a lack of supervision by the accompanying adult / guardian.
  13. PlayZone does not accept responsibility or liability for loss of or damage to customers’ property.
  14. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the safety of customers using the Play Equipment, PlayZone cannot accept responsibility for accidents which occur as a result of playing on the equipment.
  15. PlayZone will not tolerate destructive or disruptive behaviour, nor do we permit bullying of any kind. The management reserves the right to ask any customer displaying such behaviour to leave the premises without a refund of their admission charge.
  16. PlayZone staff and customers have the right to a safe environment for the duration of their stay at PlayZone. PlayZone will not tolerate abusive, threatening or violent behaviour towards our staff or other customers. PlayZone will take any of the following courses of action in the event that such behaviour is exhibited:  a: Ask the individual(s) to leave the premises b: Refuse future entry to Playzone   c: Report the matter to the Police d: Prosecute any individual(s) concerned
  17. Any customer(s) deliberately failing to adhere to the Rules of Play will be asked to leave the premises where their behaviour puts the safety of staff or other customers at risk.
  18. Customers must report all Accidents, no matter how minor, to our staff at reception prior to leaving the premises.
  19. For your safety and security CCTV monitoring is in operation at our play centres.
  20. All customers are expected to adhere to the guidance of our staff. Anyone failing to do so will be asked to leave without a refund of their admission charge.

Play sessions booked online are non transferable and non refundable.We reserve the right to make an admistration charge where we agree to amend a booking made online. Please note that booking online guarantees you admission but does not guarantee you a table at Peak Times as we have no control over how tables are occupied once customers have entered PlayZone. 

All customers are required to read our safety notices. The play areas are monitored by our staff at peak times, but children (under 18’s) remain the responsibility of a parent or guardian & MUST be supervised by them at ALL times. Under 5’s must be accompanied by an adult on the main play equipment at all times.


Do I have to book online?

We are now accepting walk-in trade but we would always recommend booking online in advance for the following reasons: You are assuring you and your group of a place at peak times. We always give priority to pre-booked customers at all sessions so you may have to wait while they are processed. The time it takes to check-in is considerably quicker when you have pre-booked

 Why do adults have to pay?

Like most businesses, our facility is priced on return of investment. As one of the biggest indoor play areas, our investment is significantly greater compared to traditional play centres with simple play frames. Therefore, we have priced our facility accordingly and provide adults and parents the opportunity to participate and join in on their children’s activities, which allows them to spend quality time together. We also maintain seating areas for parents to be able to relax and enjoy, including a good-sized mezzanine. We believe our pricing is fair compared to other comparable activities that you would wish to enjoy with your child, such as taking them to the cinema, bowling, or swimming.

 Why can’t you leave your children or pop out?

The child/children remain to be the parent/guardians’ responsibility at all times when inside Playzone. If they leave the child, this negates their responsibility and if the child has an accident without the adult present, our staff would not be able to perform any first aid as they would not be able to obtain the parent/guardians’ prior consent. Furthermore, our staff are not qualified to care for or supervise children and our insurance only covers the use of our facilities by children who are in the care of a responsible adult.  The adult must remain within the premises for the entire duration of their child’s session.

What is classed as the child’s ADULT?
Playzone adheres to the requirement imposed upon us by child services and our public liability insurers. An ADULT is classed as a parent or guardian over the age of 18 who will provide full responsibility for their child/children at all times whilst in Playzone. As a company, we require the supervising adult to be at least 10 years older than the child they are responsible for.  This is for your children’s safety and security.

Why can’t you bring your own food?
We have a Café that adheres to the strict regulations of Health and Safety. Like any other restaurant regulations, we do not permit members of the public to bring food other than that prepared on the premises with the exception of baby food. Our tables are allocated for food and drinks bought in the premises. You will be asked to leave your food at reception.

 Why can’t you lower children in your care down the slides?

Our play equipment is regularly inspected to ensure we operate within Health & Safety guidelines, this includes the preparation of Risk Assessments for the use of our slides. The reports we receive consistently advise against lowering children down the slide as they often go down the slide laid flat instead of sat up and can also go down the slide at an angle as opposed to feet first.  We do not want to spoil anyone’s fun but put the safety of our guests first and as such suggest that a child who is unable to push themselves off the edge a slide is too young/small to use it and should enjoy using one of our other slides.

Children must be accompanied by an adult and adults must be accompanied by a child
For your safety our entry and exit gates are secured and can only be unlocked from reception